Weight Management Home Body
Mass Index (BMI)/Protein
Rate Your Weight Attitudes 1=
never How often do you:1. Make negative comments about your own body / weight? _____ 2. Make negative comments about someone else’s body / weight? _____ 3. Directly or indirectly support the assumption that no one should be fat? _____ 4. Say something that presumes that being thin is healthy? _____ 5. Say something that presumes that fat people eat too much or the wrong thing? _____ 6. Disapprove of someone for gaining weight? _____ 7. Admire rigidly controlled eating? _____ 8. Admire compulsive or excessive exercising? _____ 9. Tease someone about their eating (habits or choices) ? _____ 10. Discuss food in terms of "good" and "bad" ? _____ 11. Determine how much you’ll eat or how you feel about yourself based on weight? _____ 12. Encourage someone to let go of guilt about food /exercise / body image? _____ 13. Encourage or admire self acceptance and self-appreciation? _____ 14. Encourage someone to feel good about his or her body as it is? _____ 15. Decorate your office area with posters and pictures of people of all sizes? _____ 16. Challenge myths about fatness and eating? _____ 17. Use multiple criteria for defining health and well-being, besides weight? _____ Behaviors 1-11 reinforce negative attitudes about weight, food, and body image.If you scored lots of 3’s, 4’s and 5’s in this section, these attitudes may be having a significant effect on you and the people in your life. Behaviors 12-17 reflect size acceptance and an appreciation of health and wellness beyond weight. What can you do to shift your 1’s and 2’s in this area to more 3’s, 4’s and 5’s? * Adapted from survey by Susan Kano: Making Peace with Food |
101 - Natural
Remedies - Weight
Management - Physician
Education |