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Fundamentals of Nutrition
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Vertically Integrated Management of Obesity
I don't have to deal with patients who fail at weight loss
I don't have to deal with unmotivated patients for addressing this issue with them
My patients will experience better overall health
My patients will think more highly of me
The health of my patients could deteriorate
My patients could seek help elsewhere, and might even leave my practice
Overweight patients could take up too much of my time
I have to find resource materials and create a referral network
1= Not important 2= Somewhat important 3= Important 4= Very important 5= Extremely important
After doing this exercise, could you see yourself trying to treat obesity even if you still have mixed feelings?
Nutrition 101 - Natural Remedies - Weight Management - Physician Education Vitamins & Minerals - Nutrition & Aging - Nutrition & Disease - Research