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Contemplation Stage
"Sitting on the fence"
"Yes my weight is a concern for me, but I’m not willing or able to begin losing weight within the next month."


1. Validate the patient’s experience
2. Clarify the patient’s perceptions of the pros and cons of attempted weight loss
3. Encourage further self-exploration
4. Leave the door open for moving to preparation

1. Validate the patient’s experience:

"I’m hearing that you are thinking about losing weight but you’re definitely not ready to take action right now."

2. Acknowledge patient’s control of the decision:

"I don’t want to preach to you; I know that you’re an adult and you will be the one to decide if and when you are ready to lose weight."

3. Clarify patient’s perceptions of the pros and cons of attempted weight loss:

"Using this worksheet, what is one benefit of losing weight? What is one drawback of losing weight?"

4. Encourage further self-exploration:

"These questions are very important to beginning a successful weight loss program. Would you be willing to finish this at home and talk to me about it at our next visit?"

5. Restate your position that it is up to them:

"It’s totally up to you to decide if this is right for you right now. Whatever you choose, I’m here to support you."

6. Leave the door open for moving to preparation:

"After talking about this, and doing the exercise, if you feel you would like to make some changes, the next step won’t be jumping into action - we can begin with some preparation work."

Motivational Interviewing Algorithm                  Prochaska and DiClemente’s Stages of Change Model







Nutrition 101 - Natural Remedies - Weight Management - Physician Education
Vitamins & Minerals - Nutrition & Aging - Nutrition & Disease - Research