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Pre-contemplation Stage
"Ignorance is bliss"
"Weight is not a concern for me"


1. Help patient develop a reason for changing
2. Validate the patient’s experience
3. Encourage further self-exploration
4. Leave the door open for future conversations

1. Validate the patient’s experience:

"I can understand why you feel that way"

2. Acknowledge the patient’s control of the decision:

"I don’t want to preach to you; I know that you’re an adult and you will be the one
to decide if and when you are ready to lose weight."

3. Repeat a simple, direct statement about your stand on the medical benefits of weight loss for this patient:

"I believe, based upon my training and experience, that this extra weight is putting you at serious risk for heart disease, and that losing 10 pounds is the most important thing you could do for your health."

4. Explore potential concerns:

"Has your weight ever caused you a problem?" "Can you imagine how your weight might cause problems in the future?"

5. Acknowledge possible feelings of being pressured:

"I know that it might feel as though I’ve been pressuring you, and I want to thank you for talking with me anyway."

6. Validate that they are not ready:

"I hear you saying that you are nowhere near ready to lose weight right now."

7. Restate your position that it is up to them:

"It’s totally up to you to decide if this is right for you right now."

8. Encourage reframing of current state of change - the potential beginning of a change rather than a decision never to change:

"Everyone who’s ever lost weight starts right where you are now; they start by seeing the reasons where they might want to lose weight. And that’s what I’ve been talking to you about."

Motivational Interviewing Algorithm                  Prochaska and DiClemente’s Stages of Change Model







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